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  • Adding LuaObfuscator to your GitHub repo

Adding LuaObfuscator to your GitHub repo

Tired of clicking buttons in the GUI? Time to explore the REST API!

The platform comes with a couple of REST API endpoints one can use to automate their Lua obfuscation needs. One of our community members has reached out and wanted to share the GitHub repository he designed to automate the process of obfuscation.

For those unfamiliar with our REST API endpoints, the below lists explain them:

  • POST luaobfuscator.com/api/obfuscator/newscript
  • POST luaobfuscator.com/api/obfuscator/obfuscate

To use you will need two headers:

  • apikey: your API key(currently defaulted to 'test')
  • sessionId: identifier obtained after calling api/obfuscator/newscript

Your Lua code goes into the body of api/obfuscator/newscript, which responds with a JSON body containing a message and the sessionId. Next, you use the sessionId in the header to call luaobfuscator.com/api/obfuscator/obfuscate, along with a JSON body describing the settings you wish to apply.

For a more practical example, have a look at the work of one of our community members - who goes by the name of Ferib - as he made a nice GitHub Action to automate the process.


Automated build in your Actions tab!

github actions build overview

!! Warning, please note that this is a mere hobby project and not all features have been properly tested, make sure to test your configurations before releasing!

Guest Replied
#145 19:03 02/01/2023

Automating obfuscation with the REST API is great! It saves time and the GitHub Action makes it even easier.

Guest Replied
#146 19:15 02/01/2023

The REST API is a fantastic resource for automating the obfuscation process. It's so convenient and the GitHub Action makes it even easier to use.

Guest Replied
#154 19:56 15/01/2023

Hey, when I try to obfuscate any file via requests I still receive same error from lua compiler: lua: main.lua:1: unexpected symbol near '' Here is my settings in second request: data: { "MinifiyAll": false, "ChopChain": false, "funcs": null, "variables": null, "Virtualize": false, "Virtualize2": false, "CustomPlugins": { "SwizzleLookups": [ 100 ], "EncryptStrings": [ 100 ], "RevertAllIfStatements": [ 50 ], "ControlFlowFlattenV1AllBlocks": [ 75, 75, 33 ], "MixedBooleanArithmetic": [ 75 ], "MutateAllLiterals": [ 20 ], "JunkifyAllIfStatements": [ 50 ] }

Could someone please send me proper data settings to use basic good obfuscation on file?

Guest Replied
#156 14:02 26/01/2023

Old Version Lua OBF good than 0.2.0. Please Return 0.1.6

Guest Replied
#159 23:14 08/02/2023

it always says sessionId is invalid

????#0104 Replied
#216 11:44 08/08/2023

could we have config.json docs?

Justinb#7819 Replied
#228 10:32 14/07/2024

docs for config is at https://luaobfuscator.com/forum/docs

to join shitposting this thread <3
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