The Niggers' Kajiggers

Hundreds and millions and billions of niggers All running around with their nigger Kajiggers All prancing about in the cities and towns Because no niggers at rest with niggers around

The nigger's real home is not in a city but in the jungle with the monkies and kitties They smash and they bang with their big nigger hands and rap and play jazz in their big nigger bands

The white man will try to save their soul But a Goric nigger can never be whole all of these niggers all running around With a pop and a snap and a bang and a sound

They come for our women, our chicken and children to Rape and denounce and violate and kill them This is why a wise man once said Don't think of the niggers before you're in bed

philimonjio#0 Replied 2 Months ago21:07 20/07/2024

this shit led me to tears

mopsfl#4767 Replied 2 Months ago21:34 20/07/2024


Justinb#7819 Replied 2 Months ago21:35 20/07/2024

ayooo this text forum thing actually work :pepe_lolhur:

to join shitposting this thread <3