Random Lua Obfuscation FaQ

How can I get premium access?

We don't have premium, we do not plan on making things premium, we will not support things and we will definitely not sell things. On the bright side, we do provide a free REST API on top of the free website.

How secure is this Lua Obfuscator?



3 Replies

6 Months

New feature: Script CDN

Over the last week or so we have implemented the new Scripts CDN feature. A basic content delivery network for hosting your Lua scripts. You can find the new feature here.




11 Replies

11 Months

Discord Server Got Banned!

For the past five years, I have relied on Discord as a platform to talk, interact, share knowledge and learn a ton of new things. However, my recent ban from this platform has unveiled a disheartening reality ? the deteriorating state of moderation and the suppression of free speech.



16 Replies

11 Months

Automated Integrations for LuaObfuscator

As developers, protecting our code is crucial, especially when working on a commercial project. Lua, being an open-source language, can be easily reverse-engineered, which can lead to theft or unauthorized access. An obfuscator is a tool that helps to make our code unreadable to others. And with ...


3 Replies

1 Year

Why should I obfuscate my Lua code?

Lua is a popular scripting language that is widely used in game development and web applications. Despite its simplicity and ease of use, it is designed to not be obscure (compiles with local variable names, line info, etc), making it an attractive target for code theft and reverse engineering. T...


0 Replies

1 Year

Adding LuaObfuscator to your GitHub repo

Tired of clicking buttons in the GUI? Time to explore the REST API!

The platform comes with a couple of REST API endpoints one can use to automate their Lua obfuscation needs. One of our community members has reached out and wanted to share the GitHub repository he designed to automate th...


6 Replies

1 Year

Deobfuscating with Calc.exe

For those who are familiar with the feature [literals], you might be surprised at how easily this is undone. As the title says, calc.exe - that is, the default Windows calculator - is capable to deobfuscate the literals by simply copy-pasting the whole line of mathematical operations. That is if ...


7 Replies

1 Year

Issues? Bugs? or just want to say hello?

Welcome! We have recently implemented the comment section to our micro-forums and selectively enable it for some of our posts!

For now, everyone is able to write comments as a 'Guest' user. But to prevent spam, hate comments, or other inappropriate content, we have enabled 'active moderat...


69 Replies

1 Year

How to use correctly?

Code obfuscation is used to make code very difficult to understand. This backfires when you apply ALL code obfuscation features at once after you find out the behavior of the code does not match the expected behaviour.

To properly apply obfuscation we recommand to take 1 obfuscation featu...


10 Replies

1 Year

Alpha Release Notes v0.1.5b

Alpha 0.1.5b

New features have been added to the latest version!


  • Community read-only
  • Add bandwith locking on playground
  • Improved server-side front-end generation
  • Add Undo button under 'Miscellaneous' to undo the last obfus...


0 Replies

1 Year

Say hello to the community!


Today is the launch of the LuaObfuscator.com community! The aim of our micro forum (or whatever we call this) is to provide you, the community, with interesting content related to a broad range of Lua-related obfuscation.

Our interest started with obfuscating s...


0 Replies

1 Year

Posts: 11 - Replies: 125 - Users: 1446
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